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5 Things That Go With Dating Someone From Another State
College is all about meeting people from all over the place. You may find yourself going to school with people who live miles away as well as people who live in the next town over from you.
You may even find yourself in a relationship with someone originally from a different state, online dating out of state. With the semester winding down and summer quickly approaching, you know that you will not have too many opportunities to see your significant other for a while.
Here are some things both good and bad that come with a long distance relationship while in college. If you want to visit your significant other over a break, good luck. It is not an easy task. You could drive out, but sometimes you have to travel by yourself and you may not know where you are going. It is also almost impossible to make a day out of your visit, so you also need to arrange for a place to stay while you are there. For me, I did not feel comfortable driving six hours by myself on unfamiliar roads.
I ended up taking a bus…but that is a story for another day. Living in different places means that you grew up in very different ways. You may be dating someone from the shore and see all of the water and boats.
Or if you are dating someone from an old mining town, you can see coal and trains for the first time. If you want to online dating out of state them together, you are going to online dating out of state to pick one family and state over the other. When you do decide where to spend breaks or holidays, it can be a lot of fun.
You either get to see where your significant other grew up or you get to show them all the super cool things from your home town. Either way, it is a grand adventure.
Visiting a significant other who lives far away could be like going on a vacation. What is the best part of vacations? Obviously the food! During your visit you may get to try cheesesteaks from Philadelphia or crab from Maryland or square pizza from Pennsylvania.
Even chain restaurants that people take for granted like Chick-Fil-A. One person in the relationship may not have these things and look forward to it every single visit. At the end of the day, it is definitely worth it, especially if you are with a online dating out of state awesome person. Coming from different worlds will definitely make you two very different people. Your differences are the things that make you so great together. You take the best of both places and turn it into a great relationship!
As we start to embrace the second full week of September, there are some things I'd like to say to the month. Back again so soon? I could swear I just saw you a few months ago.
Well anyway, how are you? That's great because I'm over you already. This isn't some breakup sonnet, this isn't some tearful declaration to my love of summer.
This is a direct grievance to your thirty days of filling in between summer at fall. That's right, you are a filler month! I have so many problems with you. First of all, online dating out of state, you do in fact, bring an end to the summer season. How dare you! For a summer lover like myself, September is dreadful, the pools and beaches start to close, amusement parks being to open strictly during the weekends. You push out the warm summer nights and the salt air.
You make us say goodbye to sandy toes and the smell of sunscreen. You're all about back to school and putting away that cute white shirt you can't wear until May. You completely kill the summer vibe with little warning.
Second, you're more confusing online dating out of state a college physics course. One day you want to be ninety degrees and beautiful out but all the pools are closed, thanks a lot and the next you want to be sixty-five and raining? Just why? Don't you know that the school buildings are never cool enough to stand the humidity that's still here? Don't you know we're sliding out of our seats thinking about how we rather be by the water?
You make people pull out their fall attire just to put their shorts back on. And not to mention, being cold in the morning and humid in the afternoon? Like wow. What a sick joke! You kick start the holiday season way too early, online dating out of state.
Pumpkin spiced everything and plaid everywhere? I'm still enjoying sunglasses online dating out of state ice cream. You can't pick a temperature but you want to make me excited for the fall season to come? That's not how it works! And now you try to make us excited with the thought of Halloween creeping slowly closer. There is a WHOLE thirty days between your first day and October's first day, I shouldn't be seeing back to school supplies next to Halloween candy.
When you finally start to cool off and change the leaves from green to gold, online dating out of state, I couldn't be happier. You are one of the prettiest months, next to October. Your month inspires people to close doors or chapters in their life in order to blossom in the spring.
Pulling out my jeans is the highlight of your month, fall fashion begins to take over and the holidays just roll in after you. You bring us the beginning of football season, bonfires, and nights spent looking at the stars. Although I can't stand your month, there is some enjoyment to it. It is the beginning of October but most of us college students are still feeling the September Struggle.
By this time, many of us have had at least one mental breakdown, 3 assignments due in one day, a Netflix show finished and sleep deprivation. I believe the 'September Struggle' occurs because of one main reason: our professors decide to make everything due in one week during this month. Granted, this is not the case for all but it sure seems like this is the case every year during this month.
You always see it coming, but you never end up being fully prepared. After it's gone, it'll still leave you reeling for a little while, so take time to appreciate being able to breathe, online dating out of state. During this month you don't spend countless hours doing homework at first. Then one week it all hits and you suddenly do not have enough time in the day to do all that needs to be accomplished.
Then the 'September Struggle' hits and it hits hard. Next thing you know you'll be walking around struggling to stay awake in class and just trying to get through the week by any means necessary. However, it's all good cause your classmates next to you are in the same boat as you.
Your professors all seem to decide at the same time that they have taught you enough to test you, have you give a presentation, write a paper, and do a group project, all in the same week. During the first bit, it seems easy to stay on top of everything. You may even be able to sneak some Netflix in. Reward yourself with a new series after you survive September. Once October begins to show things begin to look up, online dating out of state.
You realize fall break is coming and become re-energized. You take a Friday afternoon to reorganize your life. You take another Sunday to catch up on all the work you have gotten behind on and all your favorite shows you have missed. You finally find the time to do all of the laundry you have missed between doing homework and curling up in your bed to try to get a few hours of rest before class.
You begin to form a routine and actually stick to it. As September begins to wind down and October begins to show things are beginning to look brighter and more manageable, online dating out of state.
Just make it to fall break but don't forget to begin study for midterms! Reward yourself for surviving September, but keep your eye on the prize: a decent GPA! And remember, you are not alone during the September Struggle. Maybe Billy Joel was right, but we can wake everyone up now that September has ended.
I did it fam. The ultimate leap that everyone dreams of - I moved to Online dating out of state And in peak season as well Boy, was I feeling the excitement and my Instagram and Pinterest pages would confirm it. I stayed glued to social platforms pinning every "European Summer Outfit Idea" and "Best Cafe's in Stockholm" that I could find. Soothing myself to sleep each night with countless searches of fashion, food, online dating out of state, and home decor the Nordics would offer me.
It fed my soul and eased any anxieties that would online dating out of state about moving.
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